Tuesday, March 16, 2010

the pitch

For my 2 minute film, I came up with a fish tale.

lights poster

A simple enough story about a young puffer fish, Puff who has a somewhat unhealthy fascination with lights.

It starts of with him and his mother swimming in the ocean. Puff gets curious about what is above him and breaks to the surface and sees in the distance, the magnificent view that is the city lights; and above him, the brightly glowing stars in the night sky. Enchanted, he stays to enjoy the view.

Meanwhile, his mother realises Puff is no longer swimming by her side and she rushes back. She admonishes him and she then guides him back into the waters. As they swim into deeper waters, they encounter a luminescent jellyfish. Again, Puff is fascinated by the sight, mush to the annoyance of his mother.

They swim deeper, and their surroundings get darker. In the dark waters, Puff sees a singular point of softly glowing light. He leaves his mother's side, he goes to investigate. The source of light is revealed to be lure of an Angler Fish, whose demonic silhouette suddenly appears. The Angler Fish swallows whole poor Puff. In the complete darkness of the Angler Fish's stomach, Puff blinks uncertainly a few times.

A few moments later, another scene fades in and a ghostly image of Puff now swims to the last light; the rays of Fish Heaven.


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